
How to look after and wash wooden utensils.


Wooden utensils add a natural, stylish touch to the kitchen and are ideal for cooking without having to worry about damaging frying pans or pots.

We have been using them for generations and they are found in every home. They come in many different types of wood. Each type offers a different level of quality depending on the characteristics of the wood: more basic items tend to be made of pine, bamboo or birch, more robust items are made of oak or boxwood, and very high quality items come in olive or walnut wood.

Whatever the type or quality, they are all utensils that need to be carefully cleaned. Wood contains pores that can trap food particles and moisture. This is why all surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned to prevent the build-up of bacteria.

Such methods include:

  • Hot water and soap: this is the easiest method. The process involves using water at a fairly high temperature to soften the hardened remains of food. First use a little water to start loosening any remaining particles. Then use soap and rub with a sponge to wipe the whole surface clean, rinsing the utensil afterwards and drying it thoroughly with a dishcloth.
  • Lemon: eliminates grease and bad odours. Spread the liquid all over the surface to disinfect it, then rinse with water. Finally, dry thoroughly with a clean dishcloth.
  • Sodium bicarbonate: perfect for removing tomato stains etc.  Soak the item in the sodium bicarbonate solution, add lemon juice and rub with a dishcloth until the stain disappears. Finally, rinse with water and hang the utensil up to dry.
  • Vinegar: eliminates unpleasant odours and restores the appearance of the utensil. Prepare a mixture containing vinegar and water in equal quantities and soak the item in the mixture for 20 minutes. Finally, rinse with water to eliminate any odours and dry with a good quality dishcloth.
  • Oils: oils can be used to counteract the everyday wear and tear of wooden utensils. They help to maintain colour and shine. Mineral or coconut oil may be used. The process consists of pouring a little oil onto a clean cloth, then rubbing it all over the utensil. After 10 to 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and dry thoroughly.

Dishwashers should never be used.

Use neutral soaps and throw the utensil away if it has cracks, since they are prone to trap remains of food and dirt.


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