Protection de Données

Version valid since 01/05/2023

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) generally regulates the collection and processing by IBILI MENAJE, S.A. (hereinafter “IBILI”) of the personal data you provide to us as a user of the website accessible through the domain name (hereinafter, the “WEBSITE”), including the blog, social media, Newsletter or any other services or functions available at any time on the Website. All notwithstanding the specific provisions established in certain sections, forms, or services available on the Website with the purpose of providing you with the pertinent information and, where appropriate, obtaining your consent.

IBILI reserves the right to make changes to its Privacy Policy to bring it into line with new features in legislation, case and/or administrative law, and to the practices it develops at any time via the Website, always taking account of your rights and interests.

In any event, IBILI will provide you with the adequate technical resources in order that you may access and read the Privacy Policy to duly comply with our duty to inform under the applicable data protection regulation.

1. Who is the Data Controller?

The data controller, who process your personal data is IBILI MENAJE, S.A., a company with its address in Bergara (Gipuzkoa), Barrio San Juan, s/n, with Tax no. A-20327177. and recorded in the Business Register of Gipuzkoa in volumen 989, folio 73, sheet SS-364.

For any question related to the PRIVACY POLICY and/or the treatment of your personal data you can contact us at the postal address indicated above and/or through the e-mail address

2. How have we obtained your data?

The data we process at BSK Legal & Fiscal have been obtained from you, through (i) the different forms you complete while browsing the Website (e.g. forms referring to job vacancies and/or recruitment processes); or (ii) by means of an email sent with a query.

If the personal data provided were to belong to a third party, you guarantee that you have informed said third party of our Privacy Policy and that you have their authorization to provide their data to IBILI for the purposes explained below.

Unless expressly indicated otherwise in the forms available on the WEBSITE (e.g. by means of the legend "optional" or similar), the provision of data included in these will be mandatory and their lack of provision will make it impossible to process your request, whether it refers to your registration as a USER, to obtaining information, or to any other service available on the WEBSITE.

We also inform you that your social media data may be processed through the corporate profiles made available by IBILI in each of the social media in which it is present, all in the terms and conditions established by each social network.

3. What type of data do we process?

The data processed by IBILI are those which you have provided to us via the forms we use to execute our contact with you and/or by means of email, as well as others which, where appropriate, we obtain through the IBILI corporate profiles on the social media in which we are present.

IBILI particularly processes the following categories of data, depending on the use you make of the Website:

  • Identification and contact data (e.g. name, surname/s, national identification number, postal and email address, telephone no., etc.).

  • Professional data (company in which you perform your functions, professional postal and e-mail address, and professional telephone number) to the extent that (i) you provide them through the corresponding form; and (ii) they are necessary for your business location and/or for the maintenance of our business relationship with you or your entity.

  • Codes and identification codes and passwords as a registered USER of the WEBSITE, when such registration is possible.

  • Internet browsing data (e.g. IP address, website visits, WiFi connections, etc.).

  • Data on personal characteristics, education, employment, etc. (in the case of job applications/vacancies and/or recruitment processes at IBILI in which you voluntarily participate).


4. For what purpose do we process your data and with what authority?

Your personal data are processed for the following purposes:

  • To manage and process your registration as a Website user, wherever this is possible and on the basis on the request you made of pre-contractual measures or on the contractual relationship established with you in this regard.

  • To manage your access and use of the content and services that IBILI makes available through the Website, including social networks or any other functionalities that are accessible from the Website at any time, on the basis on the request you made of pre-contractual measures or on the contractual relationship established with you in this regard.

  • To process and manage information requests, suggestions, complaints, and claims made by you via the WEBSITE or email, and on the basis on the request you made of pre-contractual measures or on the contractual relationship established with you in this regard.

  • To send you, by different means, including electronic, commercial communications and advertising from IBILI with respect to our professional services any other relevant information related to our professional activity, if you have given your consent for us to do so (based on that consent)

  • To manage your job application or registration for a job vacancy and your participation in the corresponding recruitment process, all of it based on your request of pre-contractual measures in that regard.

We remind you that you can, at any time, freely withdraw your consent, at no cost to yourself, in the terms indicated in Section 7 of this document, when the processing it’s based on your consent.

5. To whom do we disclose your data?

Other than in situations where IBILI is legally compelled to disclose them (e.g., by the Tax or Legal Authorities or by other Public Administrations), your data will not be disclosed to third party entities.

On another note, we inform you that IBILI uses the services of third parties (Data Processors) located in the United States to manage the sending of the communications comprised in the “Newsletter” service and other electronic commercial communications, therefore, the contact details of the recipients of such communications will be the subjected to an international data transfer covered by the use of standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to processors established in third countries approved by the European Commission.

6. For how long will we keep your data?

Your personal data will be kept while they are necessary for the purpose they were collected for and as long as you have not withdrawn your consent (wherever this is the lawfulness basis) for their processing or requested their erasure in a previous moment, and for the additional time necessary to fulfil the legal obligations that IBILI is compelled to observe.

In any event, we inform you that IBILI has internal policies in place for clearing data. This system is used to control the time for which personal data in its possession are kept and means that such data may be cancelled when they are no longer necessary and/or suitable for the purpose for which they were collected.

In this respect, please note the following: Data regarding personal characteristics, training, employment, etc., in the case of job applications / offers and / or selection processes of IBILI in which you participate voluntarily, will be kept for a maximum period of 4 years.

7. What are your rights?

The applicable data protection regulation gives you a series of rights with respect to your personal data which you are free to exercise. Said rights are explained below:

  • Access to your data: you have the right to access your data in order to obtain confirmation regarding which of your personal data we are processing.

  • Obtain the rectification or erasure of your data: in certain circumstances, you have the right to rectify inexact personal data which concern you and are processed by us; or, even, to request their deletion when, among other reasons, such data are no longer required for the purpose for which they were collected.

  • Obtain the restriction of the processing of your data: in certain circumstances, you have the right to ask that we restrict the processing of your data, in which case we inform you that we will only keep them to execute or defend complaints as envisaged by the applicable data protection regulation..

  • Data portability: in certain circumstances, you have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, and which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format, and to transfer them to another data controller.

  • Object to processing of your data: in certain circumstances, and for grounds relating to your particular situation, you have the right to object to the processing of your data, in which case we would stop processing them unless they must be kept for compelling legitimate grounds, or to execute or defend potential claims.

Likewise, when the processing is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw it at any time, without this affecting the lawful nature of data processing carried out based on your consent prior to their withdrawal.

You can exercise your rights by sending a written request to IBILI, at the postal address indicated in Section 1 or by sending an email to

Finally, we must indicate you that you can submit a complaint to the competent Supervisory Authority (as for IBILI, the Spanish Data Protection Agency), particularly when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercising of your rights. You can contact the said Authority via its website:

8. Security measures

IBILI will always process your data with complete confidentiality, observing its duty of secrecy according to the stipulations of the applicable data protection regulation. It will take all the necessary technical and organizational steps to guarantee the security of your data and prevent their unauthorized alteration, loss, processing, or access, taking account of the status of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed.

9. Cookies policy

We also inform you that IBILI has a Cookies Policy which can be consulted via the following link.